Welcome to American Environmental Services!

American Environmental Services, Inc. (AES) has been a leading company in the field of Lead-Based Paint (LBP) testing and management for nearly a decade. AES has a proud tradition of being the foremost, most technologically advanced, knowledgeable, and reliable company in the industry today. At AES we are a team of experts dedicated to help you with your LBP testing, management, and informational needs. AES's home office is located in Portland, Oregon, however the scope of our working territory is and has been the entire nation. Our expertise and reputation as a leader in the industry has earned AES clients in almost every state of the nation.

The issues surrounding LBP may be something new to you. After all Lead (chemical symbol: "Pb") and LBP issues have only recently taken an interest in our society, health, and environmental concerns. And the interest has been of deep concern and action. The fact of the matter is the problem of LBP is not new at all. It has been around for hundreds and thousands of years. Only in recent years have businesses, property owners, real estate agents, mortgage lenders and borrowers, insurers, landlords, property management companies, government agencies, schools, public housing authorities, medical and other local authorities, and more, including people like you have become interested in what the real issues at hand are, how they affect you and those around you, and what you can and should do about it.

There is a LBP problem in a vast majority of our homes and buildings across the nation today -- that is a fact and not a myth. Fortunately there are ways to actively deal with the problems of LBP, ways you can find out more about it, and certainly learn about the solutions to deal with the problems of LBP. AES has the answers for you!

Please further explore our Web pages to find out more about the problems of LBP. Within our Web pages we explain in greater detail the important issues of LBP. Please do contact us at AES if you or anyone you know has any questions, concerns, or comments surrounding the issues of LBP. Again, welcome to AES! We are gladly here to assist you!

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Designed by American Environmental Services, Inc.
All contents Copyright © 1996, AES, Inc. All rights reserved.
All contents courtesy of American Environmental Services, Inc. Used with permission.
Last updated: January 17, 1996.